8962 Form / IRS Form 8962 - Premium Tax Credit Calculations

IRS Form 8962 - Premium Tax Credit Calculations

Form 8962 Annual Calculations

Line Description Calculation
1 Monthly SLCSP Premium Enter the monthly amounts for the applicable Second Lowest Cost Silver Plan (SLCSP) for each individual (Column (a)).
2 Monthly Contribution Amount Enter the monthly contribution amount for each individual (Column (b)).
3 Premium Assistance Amount Calculate the premium assistance amount for each month (Column (c)). This is the difference between the SLCSP premium and the individual's contribution.
4 Total Premium Assistance Amount The sum of the premium assistance amounts for the year.
5 Annual Contribution Amount The sum of the monthly contribution amounts for the year.
6 Net Premium Tax Credit Calculate the net premium tax credit (Line 4 minus Line 5).
7 Repayment Limitation Calculate the repayment limitation based on income (Line 12).
8 Excess Advance Premium Tax Credit Repayment Calculate the excess advance premium tax credit repayment (Lines 13-23). This is the amount to be repaid if the actual credit received exceeds the allowable credit.
9 Net Premium Tax Credit After Repayment Calculate the net premium tax credit after repayment (Line 6 minus Line 8).

Monthly Calculations

Column Description Calculation
(a) Monthly SLCSP Premium Enter the monthly amounts for the applicable Second Lowest Cost Silver Plan (SLCSP) for each individual.
(b) Monthly Contribution Amount Enter the monthly contribution amount for each individual.
(c) Premium Assistance Amount Calculate the premium assistance amount for each month. This is the difference between the SLCSP premium and the individual's contribution.